Are you suffering from creative block? Even seasoned creative professionals have moments when they get stuck. Here are 5 tips to become more creative.
1. Try, or learn something new
New experiences and events allow us to explore new possibilities in unfamiliar environments. Take up yoga or meditation. Attend a meet-up near you or even just visit an art museum. Here in Cape Town, we have the amazing Zeitz MOCAA , always worth checking out.
You could try and learn a new skill perhaps. There are many online courses out there for creatives to learn a new skill or two.
Here are a few I’d recommend:
- Skillshare
- Udemy
- Linkedin Learning
- YouTube (if you’re on a budget)
2. Create inspiring moodboards
Moodboards are a great way of gathering creative inspiration in one place. They allow us to make a visual dump of what we like to see or what might be appropriate for a specific creative project. You can use old magazines to cut out images, make a Pinterest board if you prefer to keep it digital, of visuals that inspire you. These can be store or displayed somewhere for when that dreaded creative block strikes. Moodboards don’t have to be perfect, so have fun with it. You will be surprised how useful they can be.
3. Spend moretime in nature
Getting outdoors for a walk, or just some fresh air and a bit of Vitamin D, will help clear your mind. Steve Jobs was well known for taking walks when he needed to find a solution to a problem. If you have the time, a hike in nature can really allow you to experience some of the best creativity planet earth has to offer, while getting your heart rate up at the same time.
4. Get enough sleep
If your brain is tired, it can’t perform at its peak. Think of it as recharging the battery in your head. The average adult requires at least 7 hours of consistent sleep per night. If you lose even 1 or 2 hours of sleep per night, it will eventually catch up with you, and you will start to be less productive and your creativity will begin to wane.
5. Play, doodle, draw, have fun.
Not everything you create needs to be a masterpiece. Just getting started is often the hardest step in the process. By sketching, doodling or just playing with some “bad” ideas, we exercise the brain. Often even drawing or doodling something unrelated to a creative project you’re busy with will encourage the creative juices to naturally start to flow. I recommend “Caffeine for the creative mind“, a book with 250 creative exercises to “wake up your brain” if you’re up for putting the old noggin through the paces.
Hope these 5 tips will help you to be more creative and achieve greater success in your next project or artistic endeavour.