These FAQs for Android users are a guide to assist you when installing or using the Shusmoji® on your Android device.


  1. Open this link on your mobile phone or tablet.
  2. Select Install. Shushmoji Android FAQ
  3.  Click on the Shushmoji app icon once the download is complete Shushmoji Whatsapp Sticker Install

  1. Open the WhatsApp app you wish to install a Shushmoji set to (so, your WhatsApp personal (or business!) account)
  2. Open the Shushmoji app
  3. Select the Shushmoji for Free! set on top
  4. Select either the download (downward arrow) or gray (Free) button
  5. Select the green ‘Add to WhatsApp’ button
  6. Select the green ‘ADD’ text when asked to save the set to your WhatsApp sticker library
  7. Select the emoji icon from left inside your chat entry field. The emoji icon is a smiley face one next to the grayed out ‘Message’ text
  8. Select the Shushmoji for free sticker set you installed (its stickers are under the Stop the nut! icon
  9. … then simply select the sticker you want to use in a chat.
Please view examples of Shushmoji use here. 
  1. Open WhatsApp on Android.
  2. Select the sticker set you want to install. This example is for Stop, silly troll!
  3. Press either the download (downward arrow) or Premium (green) button
  4. Select purchase (the amount shown will be in your country’s currency) and pay for the set
  5. Select the green ‘Add to WhatsApp’ button
  6. Select the green ‘ADD’ text when asked to save the set to your WhatsApp sticker library
  7. Select the emoji icon from left inside your chat entry field. The emoji icon is a smiley face one next to the grayed out ‘Message’ text
  8. Select the sticker set you installed…
  9. … then just select the sticker you want to use

    Please view examples of Shushmoji use here 

  1. Open WhatsApp on Android.
  2. Go to any conversation and tap on the emoji icon in the message menu
  3. Select the sticker icon in the conversation
  4. Tap on the + icon at the top
  5. Go to MY STICKERS, next to ALL STICKERS
  6. Tap on the delete icon and remove the sticker pack from WhatsApp
  1. Open WhatsApp and go to a chat
  2. Tap on the sticker icon, which opens your recently used WhatsApp stickers
  3. Long-press on the sticker you want removed, then select Remove From Recents
  4. Repeat the same steps for every Shushmoji you want removed from the recent menu. There is no shortcut for this, sadly!
If your phone or tablet lost internet access whilst installing a set to WhatsApp, it may time-out and show as incomplete. Unfortunately, there is no process to fix this and you will need to delete the set (see Q4) and reinstall it.
  1. Open WhatsApp and go to a chat
  2. Tap on the sticker icon, which opens your recently used WhatsApp stickers
  3. You can rearrange the order of sticker packs by selecting the three line icon, pressing on it as you move the set to where you want it to be.
  1. If you are not running the latest version of the Shushmoji app, this can prevent set reinstallation. So, do check our app is the current version
  2. Likewise, do check that the WhatsApp app you are running is the latest.
  3. Please note that deleting a set does not remove its recently used stickers. You may also need to delete these, should they prevent you (re)installing the set. Read Q4 on this fix.

To view FAQs for all users, visit this page.

Or to view FAQs for Apple users, visit this page.